Additional Information

  • Categories: Weight Loss & Nutrition
  • Products: Obesity, BMI, Nutrition Coaching, Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure, Weight Loss, Exercise Plan
  • Specialties: Weight Loss Physician


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

About Us

  • Welcome to Oasis Weight Loss Center, your haven and respite from the wasteland of diets! We offer you much more than just another weight loss diet that you will eventually stop, causing you to regain whatever weight you might have lost. We offer you the pursuit of happiness! “Happiness?” you say. That’s right, and not the fleeting kind, like “happy hour” happiness. No, this is a much more meaningful and permanent type of happiness. Think about it: what comprises a happy life? The foundations – the absolute necessities – of happiness are health, fitness, weight management, and, perhaps most importantly, self-esteem. And, the only way we can achieve and maintain these qualities is with a lifestyle of healthful food and exercise. We know… such a lifestyle is not nearly as popular as the instant gratification brought on by the behaviors typical of “happy hour,” such as drinking alcohol, eating fattening appetizers and sitting. These behaviors feel very good for the few minutes that we engage in them, but what happens to us when we do so on any kind of a regular basis? We experience weight gain, a lack of energy, a physical appearance we hate, and the potential for a multitude of chronic diseases, all of which cause unhappiness! So, what do you want? Instant gratification that lasts for a few minutes with each meal, punctuating a day that is otherwise unhappy, or happiness that lasts all day, every day? The choice is obvious to us, especially considering that the lifestyle that produces this all day happiness is actually very easy to observe! Give us a call or click on the “Book Online” button to set up a free 10 minute orientation visit or our initial 45 minute comprehensive consultation with Dr. Sloan, and get started on your pursuit of happiness!