Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1959

About Us

  • Ocean Mental Health Services, Inc. was founded in 1959 as a private, nonprofit center organized to meet the psychological needs of children and adults in Ocean County. Over the years, OMHS has grown to provide a wide range of programs and services to the residents of central and southern Ocean County, along with specialized services for children, adolescents, and their families for all of Ocean County. About Ocean Mental Health ServicesOMHS is licensed by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Department of Health & Senior Services, and Department of Children & Families. All programs offered by Ocean Mental Health Services are by appointment only. Appointments and specific program information can be obtained by telephoning the clinical office locations.There is a fee charged for services offered by the agency. These fees are based on a sliding fee scale, according to the individual's ability pay, unless otherwise noted for specific programs. Medicaid, Medicare, and other third party reimbursements are accepted. What is Psychotherapy?Psychotherapy is a proven treatment that helps people to recover from emotional unrest. Psychotherapy improves the person's ability to cope with challenges.Life can be extremely difficult. At times, everyone can experience the loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, disease, misunderstandings, abuse, etc. Depression, fear, anxiety, and confusion are part of the normal range of human experience. Most often, people can adapt and overcome the obstacles and challenges of life. But sometimes, there are times when a person feels unable to cope. Stressful situations such as unemployment, marital discord, or an unsettling home environment will result in persistent feelings of sadness, helplessness, and anxiety. It has been demonstrated that some psychiatric disorders can occur in generations of families. For people with a tendency to suffer from psychiatric disorders, even minor life changes can produce unbearable emotional reactions.