
  • Regular Hours

Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 2008
  • Family Owned & Operated


  • Attention to Physical Problems
  • One on One Training
  • Personalized Diet & Nutrition Plan
  • Personalized Training Program


  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • Credit Cards Accepted:
  • Personal Checks

About Us

  • Paradiso CrossFit is a premier fitness facility with locations in Venice and Culver City, CA. Paradiso Crossfit provides the exercises and instructions you need to revolutionize your body and achieve a new level of fitness. Our facilities offer the latest crossfit equipment and exercise classes. Paradiso Crossfit provides you with everything you need to achieve a high level of health and fitness. Paradiso Crossfit serves everyone who is interested in pursuing fitness through crossfit exercises, getting great nutritional advice, and receiving physical therapy when needed. If you’re looking for the best crossfit gym near Culver City, or Venice, then Paradiso Crossfit is the place for you. We’ve got everything you would want in a modern, accessible, and affordable gym, including great group exercise classes and top-rated personal trainers.