Additional Information

  • Categories: Orthodontists, Dentists, Surgeons, Oral Surgeons
  • Payment Options: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Check, Cash


  • Regular Hours
    08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
    08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
    08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
    08:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Add'l Hours Info: Last scheduled appointment 30 minutes from closing. By appointment only. Available for emergencies for current patients.

About Us

  • Dr. Michele Paterno, DMD, MSD and her friendly staff welcome you to Paterno Orthodontics in Mount Laurel, NJ. Utilizing top of the line technology we are able to provide patients with quality, effective treatment. At Paterno Orthodontics, we want to give you a smile that you love, and we offer the full range of professional orthodontic treatment options that may be needed to achieve the results you desire. Most people have something they dislike about their smile, and there likely is a solution available to you through orthodontic treatment. Whether you have a slight overbite or all of your teeth are crooked and misaligned, rest assured that we can help you straighten your teeth, correct your bite and achieve any other results you desire. Other services include but not limited to; invisalign, braces, Zoom whitening, TMJ evaluations, special needs. We treat cleft and craniofacial patients as well. For a free consultation, call today!