About Us

  • Mobile computer repairs! We will provide a complete tune up: virus scan, spyware removal, windows updates, start up optimization, and much more to improve your computer’s performance. We offer our customers: Local Area and Wide Area Network (LAN/WAN) solutions in the following areas: Wireless and Wired Network Consulting Systems Design & Installation Complete end-to-end solutions. Support & Maintenance We stand behind our work & solutions. Training Programs MS NT & Netware System Administration programs. With PC Guy you can be confident that we can assist you with any system connectivity and stand-alone computer needs. Computer owners who experience hardware failure are often thrown into a state of disbelief. This is usually followed by anger and then the worst--sheer panic. However, we specialize in saving our customers from unnecessary panic, and have technicians proficient in computer hardware repair on hand every day. We've worked with every kind of computer, and can put our expertise to work for you.

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  • IT & Computer Services, Data Management Services
  • Cash

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