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  • Categories: Synagogues, Churches

About Us

  • We Open Every Service With Worship And Prayer. We believe that Pentecostal Community Church is a place where you will feel welcome and be able to learn, worship, and grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ! If you are a new believer, or have a rich history of faith, we believe Pentecostal Community Church is the place for you. We are also a place however, that desires to minister to people who have questions. We would like nothing more than for you and your family to come and worship with us and we hope that this is evident in your first visit. "What should I wear?" You'll find people in jeans and suits. Both are comfortable at Pentecostal Community Church. It doesn't matter what you wear when you come as long as you come prepared to worship and hear the word of the Lord. At the end of every month, we have friends and family day where we invite you to join us for coffee, juice and fresh baked goods (that often means muffins & donuts!) for you and your family to enjoy. Feel free to bring your coffee with you anywhere in the building. Every day before service, you'll find people of all ages enjoying one another's company before worship begins. We open every service with worship and prayer. We frequently take a moment to pray throughout the service. Prayer is a vital part of our worship. We will have a time of singing and praise followed by a few announcements. We dismiss our children during offering time for Children's Power Hour, a time of learning the word of God through Object Lessons, singing and bringing the word to life. Children return during end of preaching time, so they can participate in worship as well as prayer time. Preaching typically lasts about 35 minutes and there is always a time for prayer and repentance given following the sermon. Also Pastor Garcia believes that as a church we should be part of the fabric of the community. That Jesus sat among the sinners and helped those that needed help. That we should not just rea...