Additional Information

  • Categories: Chiropractors, Pain Management, Massage Therapists
  • Services: Chiropractors, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Treatment for Injuries, Chiropractic Laser Therapy, Disc Herniation Treatment, Pediatric Chiropractic, Pain Management, Chiropractic Neurology, Emergency Chiropractic Care, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury


  • Regular Hours
    07:30 AM - 06:00 PM
    07:30 AM - 06:00 PM
    04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
  • Add'l Hours Info: Saturday by appointment

About Us

  • Dr. Poeschel strives for excellence through superior patient treatment, education and satisfaction. Dr. Poeschel graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in November 1999. Erchonia low level laser therapy is one of the many therapies that Poeschel Chiropractic uses. Low level laser therapy has many benefits and uses. Dr. Poeschel is also a certified Nutrion Counselor. Call Dr. Poeschel today to maximize your energy and health. Why Us?. No Wait Policy. All of our patients are seen immediately. Friendly and courteous staff, Professional but comfortable atmosphere, Large private treatment rooms, Convenient location, Secondary evaluations/opinions, M.D. and attorney referrals, Most insurance accepted; we do all the paperwork.