Additional Information

  • Categories: Boat Rental & Charter
  • Products: EZ Travel buttons($250 value), mobile app, extensive training, low monthly cost toward continued edu

About Us

  • Coming from an extensive work-history and background in customer service I feel that I, Keith Pope knows exactly what it takes to provide great customer service and quality to anything that I do..and here at Pope Global Travel we cater to the "loads of travel" type person or the 'wants to travel more" type person just the same. We do this by offering exclusive wholesale prices so low you have to see it to believe it. My wife and I love to travel so to be in a business that not only is fun, but where I can offer my friends, family, peers or the public the same type of amazing savings was a no-brainer for me. Come take a look at what we have to offer you from discounts on car rentals, cruises, concerts, hotels & resorts, activities & excursions, shopping & dining, golf tee times, flights and your very own personal concierge, sweet deals and vacation deals you just won't find anywhere else and much more. I bet we can get you a lot closer to some well-deserved R&R and one of those little drinks with the pretty umbrella in it, and hey don't forget whether you want to travel wholesale or make this a new addition to your current job situation or make this your business of choice remember...."Membership has its privileges".