Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1887

About Us

  • The Porter-Oliger-Pearson Funeral Home evolved from two sources - two businessmen owning two funeral homes within the city of Greensburg. The first was a man named William G. Schultz, originator of what was known as the Oliger-Pearson Funeral Home. Schultz was born in the late 1800's, employed his son Edward G. Schultz, in the family undertaking and furniture store business from 1899 to 1937. After his father's death in 1906, Edward hired Eugene A Rankin who worked for him until 1912. Henry Oliger, in 1925, joined Edward G. Schultz Furniture and Undertaking and eventually bought the business changing the name to the Oliger Funeral Home. In 1945 Howard Pearson began working for Oliger and, like his predecessor, purchased the business (1953); thus, the name Oliger-Pearson Funeral Home. A second businessman, mentioned above, Eugene A. Rankin, began his own funeral home in 1912, Rankin Undertaking and Furniture Business. His business was located on North Franklin Street on the east side of the downtown square. One of Rankin's first employers was Henry Oliger, who later left and joined the Edward Schultz Establishment. In 1935 Paul Wenning and Rankin became business partners, which prompted a name change - Rankin and Wenning. John H. Porter's association with the business began in 1936 and later he became part owner.