About Us

  • North Texas residents now have access to state-of-the-art treatments for cancer with nonsurgical, painless radiation treatments. Premier Cancer Centers in Dallas, TX is the only office in Texas that has both the CyberKnife and TomoTherapy technology made by Accuray for cancer treatments. Board-certified radiation oncologist Dr. Rajiv "Raj" Dahiya uses external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) to treat many types of cancer, including brain, breast, gynecological, lung, lymphoma, prostate, and skin. The CyberKnife M6 Series is used for stereotactic radiosurgery, while the TomoTherapy H Series is for intensity modulated radiation therapy. Both systems are able to create unique treatment plans for every patient with CT (computed tomography) scans before treatment to pinpoint the cancer cells and ensure the maximum dose of radiation is applied to the cancer while the surrounding healthy tissue receives minimal radiation.