Additional Information

  • Categories: Korean Restaurants, Barbecue Restaurants, Steakhouses, Fast Food Restaurants, Soul Food Restaurants, Family Style Restaurants, Home Cooking Restaurants
  • Services: Korean BBQ, bbq ayce, BBQ, All you can eat, Buffet, Grill, ayce
  • Specialties: Korean BBQ
  • Payment Options: American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Languages: English, Korean, Chinese


  • Regular Hours
    11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
    11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
    11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
    11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
    11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
    11:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    11:00 AM - 11:30 PM

About Us

  • 想知道2019年最受歡迎的燒烤餐廳嗎?位於洛杉磯東部羅蘭崗的超人氣烤肉店—RH BBQ韓式燒烤,主打新鮮肉品產地直送,以及每人13.99美元,無限點、無限吃的最親民價格,因此半年來,店內人潮不斷,也已經在食客平臺Yelp上獲得極高的評價。 為了保證肉類食材的高品質,餐廳的所有肉品都是由老闆在肉品業的朋友專業供應。老闆David Choi在嚴選後,再請冷藏業的朋友運送直達餐廳,大幅縮短運輸時間,維持新鮮度。也因此,RH BBQ能夠以親民的成本價,回應顧客的光臨,相較其它價位較高的韓式烤肉餐廳,絕對是值回票價。加上店內獨家精心的醃製手法,使得每一種肉品在烤盤上都能滋滋作響、香氣撲鼻,一盤接過一盤,令人口水直流。 談到牛肉、豬肉、雞肉的厚薄寬窄,經過多次測試,已經能掌握可口香嫩的最佳燒烤厚度,讓顧客能以最快的速度,享用到眼前肥瘦合宜、垂涎欲滴的韓式烤肉。尤其烤肉一旁精心擺配的蔬菜,有紅蘿蔔、南瓜、洋蔥和杏鮑菇,看似一小盤,卻不只是點綴的角色。蔬菜不僅在烤後能有鮮美濃郁的香氣,還能夠吸收烤肉釋出的油脂,並且幫助腸胃消化,在大啖烤肉時也可以兼顧健康。 老闆David Choi表示,餐廳主打顧客“一次付錢、無限點、無限量,吃到飽”。但在盤數的管控上,因為擔心影響肉類本身的品質和風味,以每一輪限量供應三盤肉品為準則,希望達到隨時端出最新鮮食材,又不容易造成浪費食物的優點。 而吃韓國菜最常見的小菜,在RH BBQ韓式燒烤餐廳是經過老闆媽媽Caroline Choi精心挑選,充滿了自家風格。而餐廳提供經典的土豆泥、Macaroni沙拉、韓式涼拌粉絲、涼拌豆芽、韓式泡菜、醃蘿蔔、魚豆腐和米紙,共計八種小菜,不定時供應。 其中,最受歡迎的魚豆腐軟硬適中,竟然是用帶有甜辣口味的特製醬汁調味,再加上碎洋蔥的鮮甜,以特有的風味,一躍成為店內的超人氣小菜。 RH BBQ的午餐菜單以簡餐價格每人13.99美元,配有的牛、雞、豬三種食材,能讓顧客無限量吃到飽。肉品包括:醃制裡脊牛肉、安格斯牛胸肉、牛五花肉、醃制牛五花肉、黑豬五花肉、蒜香豬五花肉、豬頸排、醃制豬排、豬臉肉、醃制烤雞肉、咖喱雞肉和墨西哥辣椒肌肉。 晚餐價格最低則只要15.99美元,隨著功能表的肉品選擇增加,餐廳設定額外兩個功能表,多了海鮮和頂級牛肉的選擇,價格分別為18.99美元和22.99美元,老闆希望以最低價格,將具有韓國特色的美味料理,介紹給每一位顧客。 The RH BBQ Korean restaurant is located on Rowland Heights, the east of Los Angeles metropolitan. The restaurant features are the fresh meat delivered straight from the source and the friendly price for all you can eat. Due to the reasons mentioned above, many customers are crowded in the restaurant at dinning time. The customers speak high of RH BBQ restaurant in the Yelp. For ensuring the meat high quality, all meat is provided from the manager friend engaged on meat industry. The manager David Choi is selected by high quality food and then the friend engaged on cold-storage business delivers directly. It can reduce the transportation time and maintain the freshness. So we can provide the lower price than other Koearn restaurants. The RH BBQ menu prices start from $13.99 of lunch, $15.99 of dinner. The manager wants to supply the lower price and high quality Korean cuisine to every customer.