Additional Information

  • Categories: Bike Shops


  • Regular Hours
    10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

About Us

  • Mak?ing North?east Ohio Green One Bike at a Time. That's our motto here at RIDE ON. We love to bike?whether it's on trails, on our scenic coun?try roads, or moun?tain bik?ing at Vulture's Knob?it's our pas?sion. We'd like for every?one to have the oppor?tu?nity to expe?ri?ence it. Nes?tled on the his?toric square of down?town Wooster, Ohio, we are a fam?ily owned and oper?ated full line bicy?cle store. We know that any good bike ride starts with the right bike and the proper fit. That's our goal ? to match you with the per?fect bike to fit your needs. We're experts at mea?sur?ing and fit?ting each per?son to a bike but more impor?tantly, we know that your com?fort is what's really impor?tant. For that rea?son the most often touted words around our shop are ?take it for a ride.? We're for?tu?nate to be sur?rounded by side?walks, park?ing lots and a town square that's ideal for test rides. On warm days we line our side?walks with pop?u?lar mod?els we hope you'll come and ?test drive.? And our ser?vice is sec?ond to none. Our mechan?ics are fully qual?i?fied at repairs and respond?ing to cus?tomer needs. It is also impor?tant to have the proper tools for bike main?te?nance and repair. Torque wrenches are part of our line-up of tools for the proper ten?sion on high end car?bon fiber parts Come check us out!