About Us

  • Your Home Care and Repair Store- Open M-Sat. 7:30-7:00 & Sun. 8-5

    River Ridge Hardware has been around for many years. It was started in the early 1950's and became a member of the Pacific Northwest Hardware Association in 1956. The store was originally located at the River Ridge Shopping Center across from the V.A. medical center until 1989 when it was moved to it's current location at 2803 W. Garland Ave.

    The store has always been locally owned and will always continue to be.

    In the year 2000 we expanded into the rental equipment industry and have felt that the rental goes hand in hand with the hardware store and are happy to have made that move.

    We also have a custom picture framing shop- FRAME IT TODAY- that has two full time custom picture framers to provide you with excellent design and framing services.

    Our philosophy has remained the same for over 50 years- Treat the customer how you would like to be treated.