Additional Information

  • Categories: Industrial Manufacturing, Manufacturing Equipment

About Us

  • At Rockford Heat Treaters, our customers are our number one asset and as such we are committed to continuous improvement and to providing quality heat-treated services by meeting stated customers specifications and ISO requirements, minimizing service defects and completing heat treat services in a timely matter. Our services include: -Age and Precipitation Hardening of S.S. Steel -Age Hardening and Solution Annealing of Aluminum -Atomsphere/Neutral Hardening -Batch Annealing -Bright Hardening of Stainless Steel -Bright Vacuum Tempering -Carbon Restoration -Carbonitriding -Carburizing -Copper,Silver, and Nickel Brazing -Cryogenic/Deep Freeze to -300 F -Flame Hardening and Straightening -Full Vacuum Anneal -Gas Nitriding -Glass Bead or Grit blasting -Hardening Steel -Homogenize -Induction/Flame Hardening -Metallurgical facilities and Assistance -Normalize -Sinter of Powder Metal -SPC Quality Control -Solution Anneal: Stainless Steel -Stress Relieving -Vacuum Processing of all HSS and Air For over 40 years, Rockford Heat Treaters has provided high quality, on-time, heat-treating services to a growing customer base.