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About Us

  • RVRepairsNearMe.com is a Free online tool and the fastest way to get connected with the best RV Repair Shops in the United States. We have the most comprehensive directory of RV Repair related listings, empowering RV'ers and Campers to find the right Repair shop based on factors that matter to them, such as price and distance. There are over 9,000,000 RVs in the United States. The average RV'er now spends over $500 per year just on RV Maintenance. That figure doesn't include RV Repairs. To get a sense of some of those costs, check out this chart on average RV Repair costs. The RV Repair industry is overwhelmingly managed by local and independent RV Repair shops. Therefore, we realized that there was an opportunity to create a nationwide brand dedicated to RV Repair, providing RV'ers with a reliable resource to turn to for help getting matched with the best RV Repair shop. In addition, we could help support small & local RV Repair businesses by developing our powerful referral network of partners. RVRepairsNearMe.com is one of 11 websites owned and operated by the RV Repair Group. Our resources cover RV Parts, RV Repair Referrals, RV Repair Directories, RV Parks Directories, and RV Rental Directories. The RV Parts business has been serving campers, RV dealers, and RV Repair shops for over 40 years. We have helped over 250000+ campers get back on the road to date. Today our services extend to making RV Repair referrals to our network of RV Repair shops across the United States and Canada. In addition, we operate 3 RV Repair Directories, 2 RV Parks Directories, and an RV Rentals Directory.