About Us

  • Tired of struggling through life? Want to heal your life now, but you don't know how or what needs healing? Have many unanswered questions about your life? Want to learn why bad things and good things happen in your life? Do you keep repeating over and over again the same life patterns and don't know why? Need something more real? Want to understand your life better? Ready to make changes in your life for the better? Answer: Universal Core Healing thru Awakening Your Psychic self! Why do we need to open our psychic self? Answer: To remove the human perception. That created your problems in the first place. So you can access your higher consciousness the "God mind" in all of your life issues. Real and permanent healing comes from accessing your god mind inside of you. Knowing how to know the answers to your life's most critical questions is the first step to improving it. Here is further description of Universal Core Healing Universal Core Healing is a Spiritual Energy Healing Modality it is Energy Medicine. It is the science of knowing how to know life answers to your life's most difficult questions. It encompasses many traditional healing practices, from the Vedas Hindu Text, Toa, Buddhism, and other religious philosophy. Practitioners perform energy healings, extractions, cleanses, purification, exorcisms, and removing of bad karmic imprints from your life permanently. The biggest most profound asset is the ability of the practitioner to be able to find answers to why experiences happen in your particular life. Practitioners can find the"Root Cause" to any disease or bad karma in your life. We believe finding and identifying the root cause to any bad karma is the most important first step. So clients know exactly in detail what needs to be healed , where it originated from, and what needs to be done to remove it permanently out of your life! No other healing modality does this in the western world! Practitioners are specialists in spiritual and human affairs. Universal Core Healing was created and downloaded through what we call Spirit to Spirit Communion Union thru Tony The Healing Medium. "while in a trance state" Universal Core Healing can demonstrate by spiritual means, but means that are precise as mathematics, that a host of bad conditions of life may be remedied . Accumulative energies are identified inside your celestial body, energies mostly that you are not consciously aware of. These energies we call and have doved "karmic imprints". "karma" Here is our very own definition of karma as it differs from mainstream knowledge when applied to Universal Core Healing. Predisposition to specific life patterns, Example you can have a predisposition to the feeling of unloved, unhappiness, or illness or injury. These karmic imprints are what creates good and bad experiences in your life. That means what is inside of you creates your life experiences. The bad karmic imprints are what we concern ourselves with only. The good karmic imprints we leave alone. In actuality we create our own lives through these karmic imprints subconsciously without ever being aware of them. Universal Core Healing, through energy medicine processes remedies on a host of bad karma. Healing and Revealing Your life's Blocks, Karmic imprints "Karma" sometimes called energy blocks. Permanently! Learn to see your own truth about your own issues. See the past, present and future accurately from God's eyes inside of you. Your psychic third eye. Your psychic self! Not the human mind. This is the Real Ultimate answer to healing yourself and others. Everyone is psychic but not everyone knows how to heal. This class focuses on healing and revealing one's own life, while opening up your intuition. In this class we will go beyond all energy healing modalities. You will learn how to live, heal and awaken your psychic self permanently. RSVP a must! thru our website schoolofuniversalcorehealing.com Join us this week to receive a spirit messages from your loved ones in spirit! “in the afterlife” ✉️❤️✉️EVERYONE RECEIVES A MESSAGE!!✉️❤️✉️And learn how we do it! This class is a beginner’s guide to opening the door to higher consciousness and connection to spirit and cosmic healing energies. We will be working together to receive messages and signs from the beyond. We will focus on balancing our chakras, healing ourselves and reconnecting our energy to the quantum field. We provide a safe and harmonious environment that will easily, and comfortably help you raise your vibration to connect with our deceased loved ones. Come join us and learn to strengthen your undiscovered natural psychic abilities! Self healing is very important to our class, as we will have a Reiki master onsite for energy healing as needed.🙏

Additional Information

  • Categories: Psychics & Astrologists, Mediation Services, Tutoring & Instructors, Churches, Synagogues, Community Centers
  • Products: Psychic -Mediumship - Reiki Classes, Spiritual healing, Energy Medicine, energy healing, reiki
  • Services: Psychic Development Classes, Psychic Readings, Mediumship Readings, Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing, Energy Medicine, reiki healing, spiritual readings
  • Specialties: Spiritual Healing, Psychic development
  • Payment Options: Apple Pay, Cash, Check, PayPal
  • Associations: School of Universal Core Healing


  • Regular Hours
    07:00 AM - 09:00 PM