About Us

  • Searching for assisted living or any type of senior housing or elder care solutions for your parent or loved ones can be overwhelming and confusing. Silver Connections is a free senior housing and care resource network for seniors, their families and for the professionals that help older adults. We help seniors through the transition from one home to another or finding the services they need. Our "Senior Care Consultant" will discuss all aspects of moving with you and help you achieve your long term lifestyle goals.

Experience & Reliability

  • BBB Rating Available
  • Employee Background Checks
  • Employee Drug Testing
  • Family Owned & Operated
  • In Business Since: 2006
  • Insured
  • Licensed and Board Certified Professionals
  • Licensed Psychotherapists on Staff
  • Licensed Therapists
  • National Certification
  • References Available
  • Registered Nurses
  • RN On Call 24/7 Including Holidays


  • 24/7 Customer Service


  • Alzheimer's Home Care
  • Behavioral Problems
  • Companion Services
  • Dementia Home Care
  • Family Counseling
  • Home Care Assessment by RN
  • Home Health Aides
  • Homemaker Services
  • Hospice Home Care
  • Hourly or Live In Home Care
  • Long Term Home Care
  • Post Hospital Care
  • Private Duty Care in Hospitals and Nursing Homes
  • Private Duty Skilled Nursing Care
  • Rehabilitation Care
  • Respite Care
  • Short Term Rehabilitation
  • Skilled Nursing Care
  • Skilled Nursing Care at Home