Additional Information

  • Year Established: 2010
  • Categories: Web Design & Graphics, Advertising & Marketing, Music Venues, Party & Event Planners
  • Payment Options: American Express, Visa, Invoice, Cash, Financing, PayPal, Check

About Us

  • Social Media Target, LLC helps organizations adopt social business models that utilize social media tools and social networking behavioral standards across functional areas for communicating and engaging with external audiences, including customers, prospective customers, prospective employees, suppliers, and partners.

    We’re currently working with the teams at Firefly, The Citadel, Charleston Riverdogs, The Music Farm, The Windjammer, Blend Juice Bar and more to help improve the customer experience and increase social media engagements.

    We’re teaching classes on social media tactics and management. We’re designing and implementing innovative new ways to use social media tools and behavioral standards for small, medium and very large organizations. We’re formulating effective keyword phrase portfolios for the entertainment and hospitality industries. We’re launching a new style of social media campaigns that please both humans and algorithms that demonstrate significant results.