About Us

  • In early 1956, a few employees of the City of Fairfield, Solano County and the then Fairfield School District gained a charter to operate CMT Federal Credit Union. Those early founders envisioned a financial institution that would operate in the best interests of its members. As a credit union, CMT became a non-profit institution owned and controlled by its members. These members would elect the governing Board of Directors from amongst them. By pooling their resources with their fellow members, this small group began to provide much needed savings accounts and loans to each other at costs and terms that were better than they could attain anywhere else. The number of members grew along with Solano County and the services available at CMT expanded, as did the number of credit union offices. The credit union changed its name to Solano First Federal Credit Union on April 2, 2007. Solano First has granted its members loans totaling over $477 million. Those are dollars spent in Solano County to buy and improve homes, send our children to school, get new cars, and much more. Solano First has reached over $135 million in assets, has nearly 10,000 members and is the largest financial institution serving Solano County residents, and organizations exclusively. We think Solano First's founders would be proud that their credit union now serves anyone who lives, works, or attends school or college in Solano County without compromising its ongoing mission to provide members with the greatest financial benefits possible.