About Us

  • We specialize in working with businesses and government institutions providing innovative efficiency solutions to reduce their operating costs by maximizing their floorspace and enhancing their personnel productivity. Some of our products and services include high density shelving, ASRS automated storage and retrieval systems, CJIS & HIPAA compliant document scanning, 24/7 parcel package lockers, mailroom furniture, stainless steel cabinets, lab casework, compact racks, museum cabinets, property and evidence lockers, wire partition cages, and mezzanines. Some of our clients include interior designers, architects, hospitals, museums, schools, police, and industrial facilities. We serve Dallas, Ft. Worth, Tyler, Waco, Plano, Wichita Falls, Nacogdoches, Denton, Abilene, Arlington, and Texarkana. Some of the manufacturers we represent are Spacesaver, KardexRemstar, Hamilton Sorter, Wirecrafters, Datum, Quantum, Aurora, Tennsco, Mayline, Rousseau, Vidir, Eagle, Hallowell, and Cogan.