
  • Regular Hours
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 2011

Payment & Insurance

  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes

About Us

  • SuddenLife has affiliated with iRhythm to bring you the latest in heart rhythm monitoring, the Zio®Patch. Available only on prescription of a physician, this amazing device is a wireless 2 x 5 inch patch that continuously records your heart rhythm.The patch is easy-to-use and apply and allows you to wear it during normal daily activities including exercise, bathing and sleep. With the help of a special adhesive, the patch typically remains in place for 2-14 days of recording of all of your heart beats.Most insurance will not pay for the ZioPatch heart monitor. You may still have symptoms even after a physician evaluation and Holter or other heart monitor. Perhaps it is costly or difficult for you to even see a heart rhythm specialist. -Our monitor continuously records your heart for up to 14 days, capturing rhythm issues that you may not feel. -Our monitor is the only FDA approved continuous heart rhythm monitor without exposed wires and leads -Our device is 100% recyclable, winner of the Medical Design Excellence Award, 2010. -Our physician report puts you in charge of your health care!