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About Us

  • Sylvia Fleming Crocker, Ph.D. is a Gestalt therapist and trainer; providing in private practice for clients within the Laramie, Wyoming area. Gestalt therapy is a holistic and inter-personal approach to human change. The German word Gestalt has two meanings: (1) an organized whole, whose organization makes it more than the sum of its parts; and it also means (2) a pattern. Gestalt therapy draws on both of these meanings. Gestalt therapists understand and work therapeutically with their clients as whole persons, that is, persons who live organismically in a number of inseparable and interpenetrating dimensions, i.e. who -often simultaneously-live bodily, cognitively, emotionally, purposively, aesthetically, spiritually, interpersonally, socially, and economically thus making no real distinctions between the mind, body, feelings, values, and purposes. In the processes of Gestalt therapy the therapist frequently works with all of the dimensions of the client's life, often shuttling back and forth between awareness of bodily sensations, emotional response, desires, and cognitive assumptions. In this way the person comes to a clearer awareness of the many-layered responses which influence how he or she feels and behaves. This awareness helps our clients have a greater range of choice ultimately helping them live in day to day lives. Pattern, the second meaning of Gestalt, is equally important in the work of the Gestalt therapist. No person can be understood in isolation from the environmental fields or spheres of influence of which he or she is a member. Therefore, we take into account the reciprocal influence between the individual and his or her family, social and economic groups, intimate relationships, and the relationship with the therapist.