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  • Before you begin your journey in regards to learning about why one extractor is better than another or who Tamisium Extractors is, lets clarify the single most misunderstood term. "Closed Loop Extractor". Closed loop extractors is a term given to a process or more appropriate, design, where the manufacturer chose by ignorance or inention to cut corners on manufacturing by building lower volume solvent tanks in relation to the column volume that holds the plant matter meaning the tank in the closed loop design does not hold enough solvent to perform a complete extraction in one pass. Therefore the solvent must be recovered and looped back through repeatedly until a sufficient amount has been used to complete the extraction. How many times one loops the solvent depends on how far off they are in their volume ratios. A random inconsistent tank to tank volume is indicative that the closed loop designer does not even understand the concept. Citing fast recovery times may not include the muitiple times closed loop extractors are required recover AND loop. Sight glasses were later added to help them determine a completion point because when extraction is complete the color lightens.