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  • Categories: Industrial Products, Environmental Engineers, Industrial Manufacturing, Manufacturing Equipment
  • Payment Options: MasterCard, Visa, Check, Cash


  • Regular Hours
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

About Us

  • Wire Rope Lubrication Systems - Dynagard™

    The Kirkpatrick Wire Rope Lubrication Systems, The First and Finest Worldwide.

    Over 1000’s of Systems in Operation Worldwide Serving Offshore, Mining, Shipping, Towing, Dams, and Ports
    We provide your company with the highest quality innovation, safety, and support for the care, longevity, and maintenance of your wire ropes.

    Kirkpatrick Wire Rope Lubrication Systems are excellent for Wire Rope & Cable Lubrication/Cleaning. In only one application wire rope can have its surface, and groove pattern scraped clean of product build-up and grit while at the same time new lubricant is uniformly applied to the newly cleaned surface. Coating product then fills any open spaces within the groove pattern and internal strands open to receive it. This is accomplished as the wire rope passes through a controlled 100% pressurized immersion within the interior Seal Lubrication Chamber. Surface moisture trapped within the internal strands is displaced and replaced with the newly applied wire rope coating product. Systems are functional with both low and high viscosity coatings. They can be incorporated as a Grease Applicator for tough applications where higher viscosity coatings are required to fight friction wear due to strand rubbing as well as a low viscosity oiling system required for certain Cable Cleaning & Lubrication applications.

    We've been approved for the:

    The United States Coast Guard
    United States Navy
    Canadian Defense Department (Navy & Coast Guard)
    Military Sealift Command
    United States Army Corps of Engineers
    Australian Navy
    Our systems are used worldwide in shipping, mining, offshore, construction, oceanographic research and much more!