Additional Information

  • Categories: Bankruptcy Lawyers


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Add'l Hours Info:


  • Call & Speak Directly To An Attorney

Experience & Reliability

  • Years of Experience: 20

Fee Arrangements

  • Payment Plans Available
  • Personal Checks
  • Flat Fee Retainers
  • Free Initial Consultation


  • Consumer Bankruptcy
  • General Bankruptcy Matter

State Licensing

  • FL

Languages Spoken

  • Spanish

About Us

  • At The Port Law Firm, we are dedicated to making sure our clients get out of debt in a way that is most beneficial to their specific situation. We sit down with each of our clients and develop a course of action that will put you in a better place in all aspects of your life. We are compassionate, caring and trustworthy. Bankruptcy laws were written for a purpose, check us out today! The Port Law Firm, P.A. has dedicated its practice to helping clients find solutions to their debt problems. We understand that Bankruptcy is not for everyone. At your free, initial, confidential consultation, you will receive an in-depth analysis of your financial situation. We will explain the different types of bankruptcy options that may be available including a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy wherein you may eliminate your debt without any payback and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy wherein a payment plan is set up to pay certain creditors based on what you can afford. Bankruptcy is a powerful legal tool that has the ability to stop FORECLOSURES, REPOSSESSIONS, GARNISHMENTS and LAWSUITS. We will also explore bankruptcy alternatives that can help you get debt relief. Additionally, if you are having difficulty paying your home mortgage we can discuss whether or not a proposed home loan modification makes any sense in your case. So at the end of our consultation you will have the information needed to choose what option is best for you.