Additional Information

  • Categories: Patio Builders, Swimming Pools


  • Regular Hours
    08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Experience & Reliability

    • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • In Business Since: 2002
  • Years of Experience: 20
  • BBB Rating Available
  • Family Owned & Operated
  • Insured
  • Licensed
  • License Numbers: KM 072-17
  • Employee Background Checks
  • All Work Owner Supervised
  • Employee Drug Testing
  • References Available
  • Expert Craftsmen
  • Experienced Technicians

Swimming Pool Services

  • In Ground Pools
  • Pool Maintenance Services


  • American Express
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Personal Checks

About Us

  • Chris Fogleman is an original member of Tributary Revelation, a professional organization comprised of world-class craftsman and professionals in the field of architecture, luxury pool & outdoor living design. Chris has contributed technical construction articles for the Tributary Revelation magazine as well as providing mentorship to members of the organization on various technical construction challenges. His reputation as a mentor has created opportunities to collaborate on several large scale projects with various members. Chris is also an SWD Registered member and a student of the Genesis 3 Design Group, an international forum for the establishment of higher standards in watershape, swimming pool, and water feature design and construction. As a Genesis 3 Design Group member, Chris builds custom pools with the highest construction standards. Whether he is creating building plans for a new construction project or renovating an existing pool, Chris always incorporates your home’s current architectural design style to create one harmonized look. During the construction process, Thrasher’s team uses only the highest quality materials available and time-tested building techniques to ensure the longevity of your pool’s structure. Chris began his career in the pool industry as a pool service technician so he truly understands the importance of fluid engineering. After 10 years of doing pool service on pools built by others who did not understand this fundamental detail, he decided he could do a better job and started the construction side of Thrasher. After studying under leading international pool design and construction teams, Chris became a preeminent builder himself and the “go-to guy” for luxury pool construction and design. Fitting your pool with the correctly sized (bigger is not always better) and properly matched equipment, along with efficiently designed plumbing is an integral part of the Thrasher pool construction process. Pairing the correct equipment with each unique pool and yard, something often overlooked by many builders, will not only allow the equipment to last longer, but will also create long term cost and energy savings.


    • BBB Accredited (Must be Verified)