
  • Regular Hours

    8am to 6pm

    8am to 6pm

    8am to 6pm

    8am to 6pm

    8am to 6pm

    8am to 6pm

    8am to 6pm

About Us

  • Top Tier House Cleaning of Joliet, IL is on a mission to save you time by handling your cleaning. Weekends are not for cleaning, they're for relaxing! So let us handle the dirty work. Whether you need one time deep clean, move out clean or regular cleanings we are your local team and we're ready to clean. We clean your home the way we would want our home to be cleaned. Simple, right? It sure is but that it also gets the job done right every time. Why hire a home cleaning service? Well having a nice clean space is a big part reason but even more than making your home beautiful is the fact that you can save precious time by letting us handle the cleaning. We’re guessing, that like most people, you have a pretty hectic schedule. Work, kids, family and other obligations add up very quickly. But so do the dishes! It’s easy to run out of time and let things slip. Now instead of relaxing during your down time or spending it with friends and family you’re worried about the mess everyone has made! We can help you change that. Instead of coming home to piles of clutter, dust and debris imagine coming home to a super clean house. Without breaking a sweat! That’s the service we offer and we think it’s more than just a clean house. It’s a better life. We use green cleaning products whenever possible. A clean home doesn’t smell like chemicals. Instead it should smell like lemons! At least we think so. But if there is a specific product you want to use in any specific area we can handle that too! Just let us know! We also try our best to make sure the same cleaning professional visits your home each and every time. We know you want your home cleaning a certain way and having the same team visit each time means you don’t have to keep explaining what you want to focused on and how you want your home to be cleaned. We’re proud to be part of Illinois and we love helping our fellow Illinoisans live a better life. While we are based in Joliet we provide services across Will and Cook county including Naperville, Orland Park, Wilmington, Morris, Yorkville and Plainfield.