About Us

  • Vell Executive Search is a retained executive search firm that specializes in recruiting board directors, CEOs and C-Level executives in the software industry. Vell has built a reputation for recruiting talented high-performing leadership teams globally. Our services are designed to help you build strong leadership at the top. We offer retained executive and board level search, reference checking, candidate benchmarking, and access to a pool of interim candidates. We are a boutique firm with Fortune 500 experience. Veteran senior consultants with backgrounds at the world's largest executive search firms handle all of our board and C-level assignments. Because our executive recruiters are technology industry specialists, we can focus more time and attention on fewer searches and projects and drive strong results. With our unique operational and technical background, Vell becomes deeply versed with your company faster, helping not only find the right candidates, but also excite them about your opportunity and perform assessments to ensure the right skills and cultural match.