
  • Regular Hours
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Holiday Hours
    New Years Day
  • Special Hours

Experience & Reliability

  • Employee Background Checks
  • Family Owned & Operated


  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • MasterCard
  • PayPal
  • Personal Checks
  • Visa

About Us

  • Versus Local is a subscription based Web and Social Presence Management Company based in Suwanee, Georgia. We build mobile-friendly, sleek websites with contemporary design. We provide reputation management by creating a review/feedback loop, encouraging customers to report on their experience via direct methods, teaching business owners how to respond to negative feedback, and ultimately establishing a more prominent online presence pushing current and positive service reviews to all rating platforms. We focus on promoting your site so it has greater appearance/relevance when local searches are made for your particular type of business. We build and manage your social media pages including facebook, instagram, yelp, and many others. We will also include blog pages, picture galleries, and potentially logo redesign at additional costs. We will also offer search advertising through Facebook Ads, Google Ads and others depending on your company's needs and budget. We will offer monthly seminars for clients and others with free information and networking on marketing trends etc., teaching business owners unfamiliar with web presence how to upload and manage their own content for pages, and how to have an overall positive social media presence. We seek to provide a personal, close knit relationship with our clients and provide a superior customer service experience. Additionally, we provide monthly reports on the progress your Online Presence has made in terms of ratings, reviews, calls received, and web site traffic among other analytics. Here are links to our facebook page and company website: https://www.facebook.com/VersusLocalMarketing http://versuslocal.com/