
  • Regular Hours
    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    08:00 AM

Experience & Reliability

  • In Practice Since 2016

About Us

  • We are a dental practice focused on providing exceptional dentistry to families in Austin, nearby cities and the wider Travis County area. We have a number of amenities to help patients relax and feel at ease at our Vida Dental offices. You won’t find a friendlier team of dental professionals anywhere else in the state of Texas. At Vida Dental, we encourage positive working relationships between our patients and dental professionals. You will not only receive excellence in dentistry, but you will gain an education on best dental practices to keep your teeth and smile healthy and radiant. With Vida Dental, finances and insurance are made easy, too. We will work with you to ensure you are fully covered for all the dental care you need. If Vida Dental sounds like the dental experience you have been looking for, contact a member of our team to arrange your first visit.