
  • Regular Hours
    01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
    Wine Tasting & Sale / No Lunch
    12:00 PM - 05:00 PM
    Wine Tasting & Sale / No Lunch
    12:00 PM - 09:00 PM
    Wine Sale, Tasting, & Dinner
    12:00 PM - 09:00 PM
    Wine Sale, Tasting, & Dinner
    12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
    Wine Sale, Tasting, & Dinner
    12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
    Wine Sale, Tasting, & Dinner
  • Add'l Hours Info: The restaurant serves a cheese plate during the day with wine tastings but does not serve lunch. Dinner is served Wednesday through Saturday Evenings. Reservations Requested.

Experience & Reliability

  • Family Owned & Operated
  • In Business Since: 1991


  • Cuisine:
  • Meals Served:
  • Price:
  • Waiter Service: Yes
  • Parking:
  • Ambience:
  • Noise Level:
  • Jacket Required: No
  • Alcohol:
  • BYOB: No
  • Family Friendly: Yes
  • Good for Large Parties: Yes
  • Bar: Yes
  • Live Entertainment
  • Outdoor Seating: Yes
  • Private Parties: Yes
  • Private Rooms: Yes
  • Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
  • All You Can Eat
  • Music:
  • Tables with a View

Daily Specials

  • Daily Specials The Menu varies depending on the day of the week. Wednesday all you can eat spaghetti and meatballs, Thursday baby back ribs, & Friday & Saturday Grilled to Perfection, you grill the entree and the rest is in the buffet room.


  • Discounts Available:
  • Coupons are offered online from time to time. Each month a few wines go on sale. Purchase a case of 12 bottles and receive 10% off. Weddings on Sundays receive 10% savings as well.


  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • Credit Cards Accepted:

About Us

  • About Vinoklet Vinoklet Winery was founded in 1980 by Kreso Mikulic. His inspiration came from his native country of Croatia, where everybody in his village had a small winery. “If you didn’t have a winery, people thought something was wrong with you. This is the reason why I started on here”. As a 5-year-old boy, Mikulic was involved in every aspect of winemaking from tending to the vines to grape stomping. On the family’s kitchen table, instead of water, there was a wooden container with wine. Everybody had the opportunity to drink. Mikulic left his homeland for the US where he worked as an electrical engineer in the aerospace industry. He quickly became Chief Designer and was awarded several major patents for fuel pumps, control blades, rotating antennae in a variety of applications including the B-1 Bomber, Black Hawk Helicopter, and F-16 Fighter. He enjoyed many hobbies over time including gymnastics and skiing, however, always kept a lover for winemaking alive. “People ask me what is the best wine?” states Mikulic, “I tell them, the best wine is the wine that pleases you the most. You don’t need to listen to anyone, about which wine is the best. You are the ultimate judge - no one else. If a wine tastes bad to you don’t drink it. And if you do not enjoy drinking wine, you should not pressure yourself into it. Mikulic adds that what is unique about wine is that it is the most natural drink. The grape uses its own sugar, acid, yeast, and juice and ferments over time with nothing added. All other drinks are manipulated in some way. Beer for example, cannot ferment on its own and needs water, sugar, acid, yeast and hops to be added. Unlike ,other alcoholic drinks, Mikulic points out that wine has true medical benefits and many artists, poets, musicians, and science over the centuries consumed wine in moderation for inspiration. Vinoklet Winery, Restaurant, and Vineyard specialize in Weddings, Dining, Seminars, and Corporate Events. If you are planning a festive gathering, the Vinoklet Winery is where you want to be. We provide excellent service and outstanding food. Vinoklet has private rooms and areas for all your needs. Please feel free to contact us for a tour of the facility or to sit down with a member of our management staff to help you plan your event!