Additional Information

  • Categories: Chiropractors, Pain Management


  • Regular Hours
    07:45 AM - 01:00 PM
    03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
    07:45 AM - 01:00 PM
    07:45 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:45 AM - 01:00 PM

About Us

  • At Lakeshore Chiropractic, we help create solutions for your most pressing health challenges while helping you develop plans to prevent illness from impacting your life.

    Not all chiropractors have knowledge of subjects like exercise, lifestyle stress, and nutrition. Dr. Nate and Dr. Cole have both gone through extensive postgraduate training to obtain their Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner designation. They have been recognized for their understanding of human genetic requirements to express and maintain healthy body function, also known as homeostasis.

    Countless studies exist on lifestyle disease, which occurs when the choices we make cause our bodies to be unable to handle the demands associated with everyday life. These include the stresses associated with challenging relationships, difficult careers, being a student, having a family, the foods and nutrients we ingest, lack of physical exercise, and the side effects directly associated with the pharmaceutical model.

    Our fast-paced lifestyles have us plugged-in 24/7, with no signs of changing. But we can learn how to live better, more congruently, and give our bodies the best chance to adapt to this environment. No one wants to be ill, yet the choices we make contradict those behaviors. We hope you view our office as your go-to source for health and wellness. We would be honored to have you schedule your consultation and begin the process of living better than ever before!