- Regular Hours
10:30 AM
04:00 PM
10:30 AM
04:00 PM
10:30 AM
04:00 PM
10:30 AM
04:00 PM
10:30 AM
04:00 PM
10:30 AM
05:00 PM
Add'l Hours Info: *Refer to Google Maps or Call Us for Special Holiday Hours
Experience & Reliability
Family Owned & Operated
In Business Since: 2017
Discounts Available:
Find Us on Yelp and TripAdvisor for Exclusive Discounts Online.
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Credit Cards Accepted:
About Us
Wild Lotus is a local brand on the West Palm Beach Florida Map that is now available online and has expanded nationwide at everyone’s fingertips! We offer feel-good items such as boho clothing, gorgeous designed Cotton Tapestry Solutions, Hippie Jhola Bags, Exotic Handmade Jewelry Collections, Gemstone facets & beadwork, Sterling Silver Jewellery. Dazzling Statement Necklaces, Spiritual Pendants, and Yoga Accessories are just a preview of the exclusive items you will find as you explore through our website. Browse unique gift items for meditation. We aim to enhance the mind, body, and soul. We want you to be confident and radiate positively into the world. Wild Lotus also desires to unify and celebrate people from all walks of life.