About Us

  • Wingfield Environmental, Inc. is a Blountville, Tennessee, environmental consulting firm. We provide environmental consulting services to private citizens, small businesses, industry and governmental entities. This includes, but is not limited to, conducting environmental work for our clients who may not have the experience or knowledge to perform required work for various state and federal environmental agencies.

    Wingfield Environmental, Inc. has a staff of qualified environmental scientists, geologists, chemists, industrial hygiene technicians, indoor air quality specialists, and remediation / abatement specialists with decades of experience in the environmental health and safety fields.

    Our agency also specializes in -

    - Phase I, Phase II and Phase III Environmental Assessments
    - Assistance with Regulatory Compliance Issues
    - Environmental Sampling and Analysis of Air, Water, Soil and Sediments
    - Characterization of Soil and Groundwater
    - Underground Storage Tank Removals
    - Characterization of UST Release Sites
    - Clean Up and Remediation of Soils and Groundwater at UST Sites

    Click on our Services tab to find out more. Count on the environmental consulting firm that will make you compliant.

    Give our office a call today!