About Us

  • At Yakima Valley Periodontics we are dedicated to providing our patients with the best possible treatment available while working to achieve long lasting results. Our goal is to stop the progression of disease and work with you to achieve healthy and long lasting results.

    Dr Iasella and staff are professional, caring and committed to preventing any further progression of disease. We will discuss the options available to you and together we will come up with a treatment plan. Together, we will work toward achieving the best possible results.

    We Provide:

    * Diagnosis
    * Deep Cleaning
    * Surgical Treatment Options
    * Gum & Bone Regeneration
    * Dental Implants
    * Identification of Contributing Health Factors
    * Improved Home Care Information & Plans

    Our patient's comfort is of the utmost important to us. While we can usually provide excellent control of discomfort with the use of local anesthetic and a very soft touch, we also have other options available. Nitrous oxide is available if necessary. Sometimes oral sedatives are helpful for very anxious patients.

    Please call our office to schedule and appointment today!