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Experience & Reliability
Graduate of Academy of Palm Beach
In Business Since: 2010
Certified Massage Therapy
New Patients Welcome
Free Initial Consultation
Acute & Chronic Joint Pain
Back Pain Issues
Carpal Tunnel
Deep Tissue Massage
Functional Restoration
Headache Relief
Heated Massage Tables
Maternity Massage
Movement Therapies
Muscle Spasms
Naturopathy Medicine
Pain Assessment
Pain Management
Pain Treatment
Repetitive Strain Injury
Sports Massage
Thai Massage
Therapeutic Massage
Traditional Massage
Treats Mind, Body & Spirit
About Us
Neck, Back, Lower Back, anywhere?
Have you been in chronic pain for years and can`t seem to find the solution?
Do Your Aches, Pains & Discomforts Keep coming back?
What If There is A Piece Missing in YOUR Puzzle?
Do You need to improve posture, balance, coordination, mobility, stability, flexibility, breathe deeper?
To ensure that you get the best results possible, Medical / Clinical Massage & Bodywork for Pain Relief is what we specialize in.
Unlike traditional massage, we attack the pain cycle with a more advanced, holistic, medical/clinical approach for longer-lasting RESULTS!
First, after taking a thorough history, we identify dysfunctional movement patterns with a thorough series of assessments to determine where to work and what kind of work will be required.
Second, I select the appropriate method to use and go to work, like identifying dysfunctional movement patterns, correcting them, break down crucial knots using advanced techniques, stretching them to restore mobility and provide lasting relief. Activation of underworking muscles, etc. Challenge correction to double-check it held. Movement Integration.
Last, I assign corrective exercises and/or stretches to reinforce and build upon the treatment provided. We usually pay attention to: releasing overworking muscles, stretching them, then activation of weaker muscles, with authentic home corrective exercises .
You will feel the difference right away in the strength of the muscle tests and in the tone of the tissue, not to mention the sudden decrease in pain. Most clients say the experience feels like a cross between a physical therapy session and a massage therapy session. Note: I AM NOT a physical therapist. Which type of treatment one receives is determined primarily by which modality I feel fits the particular issue best, though client preference is certainly considered.
Common pain and mobility issues we can help you relieve or completely eliminate: Muscle imbalances and muscular pain, sports injuries, overuse injuries, stress, headaches, neck/jaw pain and injuries (including TMJ), neck and shoulder pain, elbow pain (Tennis elbow, Golfer`s elbow), wrist pain, trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, mid and upper back pain, whiplash, TOS (Thoracic outlet syndrome), lower back pain, arthritis, tendinitis/bursitis, rotator cuff injuries, tears, frozen shoulder, knee pain/injuries, patella femoral pain syndrome, IT band syndrome, bunions, extremity pain and injuries, hip pain, hamstring pain, calf pain, sciatica, restless leg syndrome, shin splints, peripheral neuropathy, ankle pain, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis Intervertebral disk pathologies (e.g. bulging disk, degenerative disk disease), dysfunctional breathing, And many more.
Can it be true? Have we finally found a way to relieve chronic pain? If you suffer from any of the following, send us an email and we will send you self-help to manage any of the following very common dysfunctions/compensation patterns below?
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Valgus Knee
Patellofemoral Tracking Syndrome
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Asymmetrical Weight Shift
Quad Dominance
IT Band Syndrome
Glute Amnesia Syndrome
Anterior or Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Upper or Lower Cross Syndrome
Sway Back. Excessive Lordosis
Rounded Shoulders
Excessive Kyphosis
Forward Head Posture
Shoulder Impingement
Winged Scapula
Flared Rib Cage
Elevated or Uneven Shoulders
If you suffer from any of the previous, email us & we will send you self-help on how to manage it properly.
CCRT Evaluation
Customized Cell Regeneration Training is your connection to accelerating the healing process for yourself and your clients! This restorative health coaching program will offer you an in depth look into your personal cellular health and teach you how to implement specific steps of healing into your life and business practice!
CCRT is assessing Physiological Load and Its Impacts to Metabolism!
Metabolism consists of every chemical reaction happening in a living organism in order to sustain life. Various internal and external life stressors either inhibit or improve these chemical reactions required for optimal health.
This CCRT Restorative Health Coaching Program provide us with assessment tools, education and solutions to balancing the stressors which inhibit healing and increase negative health symptoms. Improve health and RESULTS!
CPEPs are health and fitness professionals trained in StrongPosture protocols. Through posture certification training they demonstrate proficiency in teaching and adapting protocols to people of various levels of fitness and ability.
Back pain, neck pain, and other neuromusculoskeletal conditions result from weak posture, and strengthening structural balance and functional alignment helps relieve pain, optimize sports performance, improve appearance and promote successful aging.
CPEP Posture Certification protocols are applicable to just about every age and fitness level. Recovering from an injury or preparing for the Olympics, the posture re-education protocol can be customized to fit each individual.
3DMAPS (3 Dimensional Movement Analysis & Performance System) is the most innovative way to effectively analyze and enhance the entire body in an efficient, revealing, and evidence-based manner. 3DMAPS is a movement performance system that applies to the three-dimensionality, and abilities of all individuals and all human function. 3DMAPS boils down all of human movement (the three-dimensional interaction of joints, muscles, and proprioceptors) into 6 Vital Transformational Zones, adapts these movements within Mobility Analysis Movements (assessing range of motion) and Stability Analysis Movements (assessing control of motion), and empowers the movement practitioner to then prioritize the best and most logical progressions in serving our patients and clients better.
What is 3DMAPS? Real life, real challenges. Whether the patient / client is a casual golfer or star athlete, determining the right approach to treatment can be challenging. Thats why the Gray Institute offers an innovative, effective, and comprehensive approach to patient rehabilitation. Three-Dimensional Movement Analysis and Performance System (3DMAPS) leverages movements that are authentic to everyday life by utilizing all three planes of motion. This system allows the practitioner to examine, evaluate, and treat patients based on the philosophy that the influence of one part of the body effects another.
What is CAFS? Certificate in Applied Functional Sciences. Our clients are unique. Why settle for a treatment program that approaches every case the same? Armed with the premier certification that gives movement professionals the tools to develop custom assessment, treatment, and training programs tailor made for each individual. CAFS is the first certification of its kind that will empower the movement professional to create treatments and programs for the clients specific needs based on their individual abilities and goals.
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a pre-participation screening tool designed to identify compensatory movement patterns that are indicative of increased injury risk and inefficient movement that causes reduced performance.
Functional Movement Techniques (FMT) is a 2-part kinesiology taping certification led by industry leading experts in movement assessment and therapy. FMT is based on the obvious yet largely overlooked concept of muscles acting as a chain. Say good-bye to agonizing over muscular origins and insertions and memorizing directions of tape. Say hello to a practical framework of taping movement, not muscles.
FMT Basic addresses theories and applications for pain, posture, edema, scars and neurological symptoms.
FMT Performance builds on FMT Basic concepts, with an emphasis on myofascial pathways, movement therapy and performance enhancement.
The source of chronic pain for many arises from very common imbalances and dysfunctional patterns in the musculoskeletal system. Most chronic pain can be relieved with a combination of skilled manual therapy and intelligent corrective exercise.
The Myoskeletal Alignment Technique (MAT) system brings together the most advanced therapeutic strategies to relieve, and ultimately correct, patterns in the body that lead to pain and deterioration. With MAT therapy, clients can be free from pain, avoiding invasive surgery or toxic pain medications.
The human body is comprised of structural systems, such as the anatomy of bones, connective tissue and nerves, as well as functional systems, such as the neural signals that trigger muscular contraction. These systems are inseparably connected in a continuous feedback loop. Without a thorough understanding of how these systems work together, most common musculoskeletal complaints are incorrectly assessed and treated.
MAT training teaches massage therapists how these brain / body systems work together, what problems lead to pain, and how to recreate optimal balance and performance.
What is Primal Movement Chains? Primal Movement Chains is a workshop based on around one concept: Stability Rules The Movement Road.
We are all infatuated with gaining more mobility because it iss flashy and sexy. However, to own our movement and to move well, stability is the prerequisite. Our bodies will create artificial stability to allow us to move around. Do nott believe me? Do you have any of the following:
Ankles, hips, and/or T-spine that continue to get stiff and locked up even with stretching or foam rolling
Reduced range of motion in one ankle, hip, and/or gleno-humeral joints
Tightness in your hamstrings
Knee pain
If you experience any of these symptoms, then your body is putting on the breaks and reducing your movement ability to protect itself. In this workshop, we learn how to reset the body so we take the breaks off and regain our movement competency.
I attended Primal Movement Chains to expand my ability to assess clients. I was evaluating clients using the Functional Movement Screen, which is a fantastic tool. However, I needed to pinpoint exactly where they were having issues and more importantly why. The assessments of the subsystems and RAIL reset system have proved invaluable to my clients. RAIL stands for Reset, Activate, Integrate, and Locomotion. I immediately began to implement them into my own training as well as with my clients to help them reduce pain and also perform better, by more effectively transferring force. The Primal Movement Chains workshop has allowed me to more quickly identify what issues and dysfunctions my clients are experiencing.
What is NMR? NeuroMuscular Reprogramming is an approach to structural bodywork that engages the motor control center in the brain to rewrite the motor programs governing coordinated movement. Our course teaches practitioners to quickly correct the dysfunctional postural and movement patterns that result from overuse and injury. These are the source of mystifying chronic pain and degeneration in muscles and joints. Practitioners trained in our NMR courses can assist rapid healing of acute injuries and relief from chronic pain.
How Does it Work? NMR uses muscle testing to assess specific structural imbalances and the dysfunctional relationships within coordination patterns. Muscle testing expands proprioceptive feedback and cues the brain for reprogramming. Taking the NMR course enables you to be very specific in your treatments and to locate the most strategic place to work. NMR is an essential piece of effective rehabilitation. It accomplishes results fast and is easy on the practitioner. We do not depend on pure muscle; we add some strategy to our work.
NMR achieves dramatic results for our clients: Relieve pain; restore function and range of motion. Accelerate recovery from acute injuries. Resolve the persistent effects of chronic injury. Alleviate the symptoms of repetitive stress. Optimize athletic performance.
NeuroKinetic Therapy is a sophisticated form of manual therapy that combines motor control theory and manual muscle testing. The science of motor control theory states that the motor control center in the cerebellum stores all the coordination patterns of the body. It is directed by the limbic system and the cerebral cortex to not only create movement patterns (such as when a baby learns to stand), but also to create substitute movement patterns when we are injured. An experiment was performed with an EMG that measured the ability of different muscles in the upper arm and forearm to perform supination of the forearm. As we know, the biceps is the most powerful supinator of the forearm. In this experiment, the biceps were inhibited and various muscles of the forearm were measured to see which one engaged to perform supination. In this case, the brachioradialis supinated the strongest. What does this tell us? When a muscle is inhibited for whatever reason, the motor control center will find a substitute muscle to perform the function. If this pattern is allowed to remain in the motor control center, dysfunction and pain will follow. How then can we undo this dysfunctional pattern?
We also know from motor control theory that if the body fails to perform a specific function, the motor control center is open to new learning for approximately 30 to 60 seconds. How then can we communicate with the motor control center? Manual muscle testing allows us to find muscles that are weak or dysfunctional in relationship to other muscles. Using the experiment above, a practitioner of NeuroKinetic Therapy would test the strength of the brachioradialis muscle and then test the strength of the biceps. In this case, the biceps would test weak. A release of 30 to 60 seconds would be performed on the brachioradialis and then the biceps would be retested. If the biceps test strong, the motor control center has been successfully reprogrammed. If the biceps still test weak, the brachioradialis could be re-released or another muscle in the area may need to be released. The client would be sent home with instructions on how to release the brachioradialis and then how to strengthen the biceps. This basic concept can be applied to muscles and dysfunctional patterns throughout the body.
NeuroKinetic Therapy is an excellent modality in rehabilitation and manual therapy because it not only identifies the cause of pain and dysfunction, but also corrects it very quickly and quite painlessly.
Just call us (813) 750-6418 telling us about your needs. Please leave a voicemail if we are busy in session.
Email us at: yourhumanbodymechanic@gmail.com
Text us at: (813) 750-6418.
Let us know about your specific details, and what are your best days and times for your session, and we will get back to you.
We look forward to helping you feel and achieve YOUR BEST!