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  • Categories: Home Remodel, Painters, General Contractors

About Us

  • Zion Painting & Carpentry is one of the premier full service painting companies in the Massachusetts area. Our experienced and courteous crews guarantee clean, prompt service. Zion Painting & Carpentry is a local, professionally-managed home improvement services company and serves both residential and commercial properties. Don't trust your home to anyone with a paintbrush and ladder. Free, No Obligation Estimates No two projects are the same. We don't believe in one price fits all, because we won't skimp on your service. We provide accurate, realistic, and reasonable estimates. Expert Surface Preparation: From minor repair to complete restoration, your home will receive the preparation necessary to ensure a quality job. Damaged Wood Replacement: Our skilled carpenters are capable of replacing any rotted wood encountered on your home during the painting process. High Quality Finishes: To guarantee a long-lasting product, we use only the finest primers, paints and stains when working on your home. Environmental Protection Agency Federal Law enacted in 2010 nowrequires that firms performing renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities and schools built prior to 1978 be certified by the EPA. It requires that they use certified renovators who are trained by EPA-approved training providers to follow lead-safe work practices. To check our certification or our competitors' go to: You can also call (781) 316-5710 or text (617) 791-2099