Additional Information

  • 1966
  • Building Supplies
  • Polystyrene Insulation Products, EPS Foam Insulation, Building Material, Garage Door Insulation Kit, Universal Metal Garage Door Insulation Kit, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foam, Exposed Panel Face, Poly Shield® Sheathing/Underlayment/T&G, Perimeter Insulation Products, EIFS Board & Architectural Shapes Products, Heat Laminated Sheathing, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
  • Building Products, Residential, Commercial/Industrial, Geofoam, POLY SHIELD®, EPS Insulation, EPS Insulation Building Products
  • Greatest R-Value To Cost Ratio, Easy Installation, Permanent Thermal Protection, Building Material That Enhances the Design and Structural Integrity of Building Projects, Lowering of Monthly Utility Bills for Garage Door Insulation Kit, Reducing Energy Waste for Garage Door Insulation Kit, Providing Superior Durability for Garage Door Insulation Kit, Easy Cleaning for High Impact Styrene (HIPS) laminate, Enhances Appearance for High Impact Styrene (HIPS) laminate, Simple Installation for Garage Door Insulation Kit, Create a Quieter Atmosphere for Garage Door Insulation Kit, Reduce Sound Pollution & Operational Noise for Garage Door Insulation Kit, Strategic Distribution Points for Garage Door Insulation Kit, R-Value 4.5 at 75 degrees F for Garage Door Insulation Kit, Strength and Durability-Important in Storing for Tough Poly Facers, Retarding Radiant Heat Flow for POLY SHIELD®'s Closed Cell EPS Core, Reducing Air-Infiltration for POLY SHIELD®'s Closed Cell EPS Core, POLY SHIELD® Offers High Efficiency and Low Cost Insulation., POLY SHIELD® Doesn't Deteriorate with Age When Properly Installed, EPS Insulation Provides Long Term Performance for Interior and Exterior Foundation Applications
  • poly shield, permaspan, poly shield fan-fold
  • EPS Industry Alliance, Association of rotational Molders

About Us

  • Multi-line manufacturer of molded and fabricated expanded polystyrene, polyethylene, polyurethane, and copolymer plastic foams. These products are used for protective packaging, temperature controlled packaging (permacool®), construction and insulation applications. We manufacture a proprietary brand of marine flotation products (permafloat®) as well as rotational molded custom products, serving the nation with multiple manufacturing and distribution locations.

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