Additional Information

  • Bike Shops, Bike Rentals
  • American Express, Check, MasterCard, Visa


  • Regular Hours
    12:00 PM - 06:00 PM
    12:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    12:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    12:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    11:00 AM - 04:00 PM

About Us

  • The Downtube is a locally and family owned bicycle store, now partnered with an adjacent sister business, 3fish Coffee. Under the same majority ownership since its 1972 founding, The Downtube sells and services Trek and other leading bicycle brands featuring recreational, leisure, road and mountain models, as well as electric pedal-assist bicycles. We offer a full range of bicycle repair services, often available on a One-Day or Next-Day schedule. For the new or casual rider seeking to ride with less effort or to easily keep up with stronger riders, as well as for the experienced rider wanting to ride further or faster, our electric pedal-assist bicycles are available in a variety of styles and prices. For the cyclist seeking the ultimate performance in a road, mountain, commuter or tandem bicycle, we offer custom built bicycles in either titanium or a combination carbon and titanium frame. These bikes are designed and crafted for the rider’s specific body measurements, riding style and preferences. We also offer test rides and we rent bicycles. Ask about our seasonal beginner Saturday electric pedal-assist bike rides. Since 2016, The Downtube has partnered with our adjacent sister business, 3fish Coffee, to offer specialty coffee drinks and light food fare, as well as wine and draft beer. Our promise is to offer consistently great personal service, fantastic bicycles and bicycle repair, and outstanding coffee and other café options. Enjoy coffee. Ride Bikes. Have fun! Feel good!

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