Essence Coaching Amherst, MA, 01002 View Phone 413-259-4369 Amherst, MA 01002 Experience & Reliability About Photos & Videos Hours By Appointment Only About Us I'm a Master Facilitator of Emotional Healing and Personal Transformation... I support sensitive and emphatic beings who feel stuck, overwhelmed, or challenged by their experiences of life, to create happier more fulfilling and empowered lives. Together we heal emotional pains and hurts, transform self-limiting subconscious beliefs and patterns and harness your sensitivity as the gift and capacity it truly is! Send to My Email Send to My Phone Print this Page
About Us I'm a Master Facilitator of Emotional Healing and Personal Transformation... I support sensitive and emphatic beings who feel stuck, overwhelmed, or challenged by their experiences of life, to create happier more fulfilling and empowered lives. Together we heal emotional pains and hurts, transform self-limiting subconscious beliefs and patterns and harness your sensitivity as the gift and capacity it truly is!