Healthwise Behavioral Health & Wellness

  • 11280 86th Ave N
  • Maple Grove, MN,  55369
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Experience & Reliability

  • Ready for a Positive Change? Contact us today!
    • Meet Our Team

      Healthwise Team

      Healthwise is a psychology group practice in Maple Grove, Minnesota. We are a multidisciplinary team of clinicians who offer a wide range of specialties and approaches to care. At Healthwise, we do not believe in the “one size fits all” approach to therapy. We understand that “who” you talk with is important. Research shows that rapport with your therapist is critical to creating the change you seek. We feel confident you will find your match here.
        Our Services

        Services to Help People Improve Their Lives ads

        Healthwise offers a comprehensive array of services designed to help you feel well. Every member of our staff is highly trained, experienced, and passionate about helping people improve their lives.

          COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

          Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our workers and clients. To ensure that, we have developed a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.