Additional Information

  • Real Estate Agents


  • Regular Hours
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

About Us

  • MN licensed REALTOR® Scott Adrian is an MN. Licensed Residential Realtor, and Business Owner, Who specializes in First Time homeowners. Scott understands how hard it is to get anyone to help you navigate the often complicated world of Home Ownership, from financing to located the perfect home, to inspections and Negotating the perfect deal, (oh lets not forget all the paperwork that goes with buying your first home) You want someone that will work for you as a person, not just a commission check, which is why Scott charges nothing to consult and advise and recommended a plan for your homeownership. Scott also works with many seasoned buyers and sellers as well. Scott is not like other realtors that will put a sign in your yard and then list it on the Internet and pray someone sells it. ( as they are off to the next appointment) with them you're just a number. Scott will showcase your home, Marketing your home is what we do best! plus Scott watches the houseing market daily, He know how best to market your most valued possession. You won’t find him telling you about the latest place to have a beer in town, nope he far to busy finding buyers for homes and selling your home. Scott donates a portion of each transaction to Suicide prevention, This is a personal mission to Scott with a goal of ending the stigma of suicide and bringing hope to all.

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