Additional Information

  • Weight Loss & Nutrition, Acupuncture, Hospitals & Medical Centers, Psychologists, Kidneys, Diabetes & Dialysis
  • Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Marriage Counseling, Acupuncture, Nutritional Consultation, Child Psychology, LGBTQ Counseling, Telehealth
  • Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Licensed Acupuncturist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Licensed Nutritionist, Psychological Counseling, Wellness Center


  • Regular Hours
    02:30 PM - 06:30 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:30 PM
    02:30 PM - 06:30 PM
    10:00 AM - 02:30 PM

About Us

  • The team at In Touch Counseling Services led by Janelle Adams, MA, LMFT, ATR, strives to give each and every one of their patients the high-quality, supportive, personalized care they need to thrive. At their comfortable office in Vancouver, Washington, they serve people of all ages with leading mental health treatments and caring therapy.  When people choose In Touch Counseling Services, they choose a team that takes a collaborative, holistic approach. The staff knows that care isn’t applied in a vacuum. They take the time to get to know their patients so they can offer personalized treatments and services that best align with the individual’s wants and needs. The In Touch Counseling Services staff has extensive experience helping people lead healthy, happy lives. They treat mental health conditions like depression and anxiety and work with people who are dealing with trauma. They work to create a space where everyone feels safe, heard, and encouraged, including their LGBTQ counseling and child therapy patients.  The team blends counseling services that most patients expect — like marriage counseling — with less commonly applied but equally important wellness care like nutritional consultations. Their goal is to help people lead their healthiest lives, mentally and physically.  To help people do exactly that, they combine ancient healing techniques like acupuncture, integrative treatments like art therapy, and technologically advanced care like Alpha-Stim® cranial electrotherapy stimulation and Spire Stone, a wearable stress tracking device. They personalize care to each patient, blending the right therapy, treatments, and services for them.  To learn more about the care available at In Touch Counseling Services, call the office or make your appointment online today. 

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