Additional Information

  • 1994
  • Document Preparation Services
  • legal directory for expert witness
  • Expert Listings, Experts Appraisers Listing, Expert Witness
  • Expert Witness, Lawyer Listings
  • American Express, Check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • English


  • Regular Hours
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Extended Hours by Appointment Only

About Us

  • LAWSONLINE.COM Provides Expert Listings, Expert Witness Directory and Experts Appraisers Listing to the Cedar Rapids, IA Area. Lawsonline™ About Us HISTORICAL BACKGROUND In late 1990 development began on a product designed to answer basic legal questions. Thirty-two areas of law (disciplines) were evaluated and twelve disciplines were selected for the initial product. A glossary of terms, a question/answer format and a series of forms for each of the twelve disciplines were created. Since the program needed to be user-friendly for a wide range of individuals, including those who lacked computer literacy, the initial interface used simple menus and "point and click" access. The initial product, LAWCHEK™, was designed to assist law offices and library patrons. It was anticipated that people looking for information would begin in a library. In 1991, a study of reference librarians throughout the United States was commissioned by the American Library Association for the purpose of determining the most problematic area for the reference desk of a typical library. It was found that approximately seventeen percent of the library patrons encountered difficulty accessing legal information mostly due to the fact that the legal system of reference and information is uniquely designed for attorneys and the judiciary. LAWCHEK™ was clearly a product that could fill a need. In 1994, LAWCHEK™ was incorporated after most of the design work had been completed. Today, approximately twenty million library patrons have access to the LAWCHEK™ system. In late 1997, LAWCHEK™ entered into the law office market through the delivery of a robust array of legal products offered by enlighten technologies, inc.™ Presently, enlighten™ operates nine web sites including:,,,,,,,, Offering broadband convergence technology, videoconferencing, teleconferencing, legal research, legal directories, legal portals, forms, web development, web hosting and more...find out how partnering with enlighten™ can make your practice more time and cost effective.

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