Additional Information

  • 1993
  • Wheelchair Ramps and Lifts, Medical Supplies & Equipment
  • SUREHANDS® Lift Systems, Bruno® Stair Lifts, Vertical Platform Lifts, Residential and Commercial Ramp Systems, Aqua Creek Pool Lifts, EZ-Access® American Made Mobility Ramps, Vehicle Lifts


  • Regular Hours
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

About Us

  • Lift & Care Systems cater to residential homes, semi-professional homes (group homes, day programs) and professional (nursing homes, hospitals and schools) institutions. Established in 1993 Lift & Care Systems is located in southeastern Massachusetts in the quaint town of Lakeville. We are the exclusive distributors of the SUREHANDS patient lift systems in three states: Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut In 1993, Dave Austin, established what is now Lift & Care Systems, Inc. as a privately owned and operated business to distribute the famous Handi-Move International product line of patient lift systems (known as SUREHANDS). We have expanded our product line to include National Ramp Systems and a broad array of stairlifts for in home use. Physical and Emotional Benefits Our users and caregivers teach us about many levels and degrees of self-determined quality of life. We learn more about life than our clients will ever realize. Because of this, we come to our users and caregivers with a level of compassion that does not allow for overselling; a unique quality among durable medical supply companies. We offer the patented SUREHANDS lift systems as well as all of our products to both private and professional markets. We maintain one single goal: Bring the highest quality of life to the user and their caregivers. In many cases, we can actually reduce the number of assistants and caregivers for users. This alleviates financial burdens for users and institutions, minimizes and eliminates physical discomfort among many caregivers as well as enhances quality of life and instills confidence in users. To discuss how we might help you achieve the highest quality of life call 508-947-3304 or click here to schedule a free, no-obligation, no pressure consultation.

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