Additional Information

  • Sports Medicine, Orthopedics
  • ACL Tear, Arthritis, Back Pain, Bicep Tear, Bursitis, Dislocated Shoulder, Frozen Shoulder, Herniated Disc, Hip Replacement, Knee Pain, Knee Replacement, Labrum Tear, Meniscus Tears, Myelopathy, Neck Pain, PRP Injection, Rotator Cuff Surgery, Scoliosis, Shoulder Pain, Spinal Fusion, Spinal Stenosis, Sports Injury, Synvisc Injection, Spine Surgery
  • Hip and Knee Replacement Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, Spine Surgeon, Sports Medicine Physician


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

About Us

  •   Schedule Appointment Manhattan Orthopedics is a world-class comprehensive orthopedic surgery practice located in Midtown Manhattan near Central Park and Columbus Circle. For more than half a century, its team of board-certified orthopedic surgeons has built a legacy committed to helping patients regain and maintain their musculoskeletal health so they can lead active, pain-free lives. The highly experienced and fellowship-trained physicians at Manhattan Orthopedics create personalized treatment plans to get their patients back to living their best, most productive lives, whether that’s keeping up with grandchildren, playing professional sports, doing a little gardening, or even challenging friends in a friendly game of basketball. At Manhattan Orthopedics, the medical team knows that treatment options aren’t one size fits all. The team takes pride in matching patients with the most appropriate treatment options for the best outcomes, whether major surgery, minimally invasive surgery or nonsurgical management. Comprehensive services at Manhattan Orthopedics includes treatment for knee, hip, neck, shoulder, and back pain, as well as a treatment for arthritis, sports injuries, scoliosis, spinal deformities, spinal injuries, and herniated discs. Each of the practice’s highly experienced, talented physicians focus on a particular subspecialty, so regardless of why a patient comes to Manhattan Orthopedics, they can rest assured they’ll get the highest quality care possible. Contact Manhattan Orthopedics for a consultation today. Make an appointment at the Midtown West or Astoria office by booking online or calling today.

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