Additional Information

  • Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists
  • Acne, Botox, Fillers, Chemical Peels, Alopecia, PRP for Hair Restoration, Laser Hair Removal, Skin Cancer
  • Cosmetic Specialist, Dermatologist, Hair Restoration Specialist
  • es


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

About Us

  • Nelson Dermatology   Nelson Dermatology is known for providing high-quality dermatological care for patients throughout Manassas, Virginia. The team’s top priority is to deliver quality skin care services to informed patients in a comfortable and convenient setting. Providers at Nelson Dermatology believe that informed patients are better prepared to make educated decisions regarding their health and well-being. The dermatologists spend quality time during appointments to ensure that their patients leave feeling empowered with the knowledge they need to be involved in their dermatological health care. Patients regularly come to the practice for routine skin check evaluations and cancer screenings. The dermatologists can help diagnose and treat all types of skin cancer right in the office. Nelson Dermatology providers also specialize in every skin type, scarring (including acne scars), and full-body disease issues such as vitiligo and dermatitis. The team has advanced training in integrative treatment solutions, including biologics and clinical-grade chemical peels. Patients of the practice are even able to undergo modern aesthetic treatments such as laser hair removal, Botox®, and filler injections, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for hair restoration, among other services. Nelson Dermatology offers flexible scheduling throughout the week. New and existing patients can conveniently book appointments online, or they can call to speak with a team member.

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