Pittsburgh Musical Theater

  • 327 S Main St
  • Pittsburgh, PA,  15220
  • View Phone

Experience & Reliability

  • Sound of Music: Thu, Mar 5 - Sun, Mar 15, 2020
    • Fall & Spring Programs
      Adult Programs
      Pittsburgh Musical Theater - Services+Products

      Creative Learning Programs

      Students ages 4 to 7 are eligible for our creative learning program, featuring the basics of performance in a fun environment. Ages 4-7.

        Pre-Teen Programs

        Students ages 8 to 12 are eligible for our pre-teen program, where they will begin to learn the skills leading them to be seasoned performers. Ages 8-12

          Teen Programs

          Teen students ages 13 to 18 are eligible for our teen program, a more intensive program, where they will polish the skills needed to be a seasoned performer. Pittsburgh Musical Theater strives to sufficiently challenge, while never overwhelming your student. No prior experience is required for entrance into our programs.

            Pre-College Programs

            High School Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are eligible for our most intensive programs - the half day Pre-College program, and the 3 day Transitions program. These programs are intensive study programs in musical theater for students who plan to attend college with a major in the performing arts. Ages 15-18