Additional Information

  • Therapists & Counselors, Addiction Treatment, Hospitals & Medical Centers
  • Treatment for Paranoid Schizophrenia, Treatment for Delusions, Treatment for People at Risk for Suicide, Treatment for Autism, Assessments and Referrals, Affect Therapy, Alcoholism Treatment, PTSD Counseling,, Mental Health Assessments and Referrals, Outpatient Substance Abuse Counseling, Child and Adolescent Counseling, Drug Addiction Treatment, Family Counseling, Treatment for Depression,, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Positive Psychology, Group Counseling, Online Video Counseling
  • Behavioral Therapy, Addiction Counseling, Telehealth, Learning Disabilities, Personality Disorder, Thought Disorder, Depressive Disorder


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

About Us

  • Renaissance Behavioral Health LLC, RBHEALTH In Cleveland OH Offers Relief From Behavioral Health Difficulties, Anxiety, Depression and Addiction Issues. If you’re feeling sick of the anxiety and depression that stems from the issues in your life or family, we’ll help you create a plan to bring out the very best of who you are so you can face your challenges with confidence and strength. Renaissance Behavioral Health LLC’s Services include: Treatment for Paranoid Schizophrenia, Addiction Counseling, Treatment for Delusions, Treatment for People at Risk for Suicide, Tele Counseling, Treatment for Autism, Assessments and Referrals, Behavioral Health Counseling, Affect Therapy, Rehabilitation Alcohol Treatment, Schizophrenia Treatment, Anxiety Counseling, Positive Psychology, Behavioral Health Clinic, Alcohol Counseling, Behavioral Management Therapy, Child and Adolescent Counseling, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Substance Abuse Assessments, Teletherapy, Substance Abuse Assistance, Substance Abuse Counseling, Clinical Psychologist, Depressive Disorder, Crisis Intervention, Drug Addiction Treatment, Family Counseling, Grief and Bereavement Counseling, Group Counseling PTSD Counseling, Individual Counseling, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health Assessments and Referrals Mental Healthcare Services, Trauma Counseling, Mental Illness Treatment, Mental Retardation Management, Nurse Practitioner, Obsessive Compulsion Disorder, Obsessive Compulsion, Online Video Counseling, Treatment for Depression, Outpatient Substance Abuse Counseling, Psychotherapy, Professional Therapist, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Thought Disorder Alcohol and Drug Assessments, Behavioral Therapy, Bipolar Disorder Treatment, Healthcare, Personality Disorder, and more! If you are searching for In Person Counseling, Teletherapy, Tele Counseling, or Online Video Counseling in Cleveland, Ohio get in touch with the professionals at RBHEALTH. Schedule your in person or Teletherapy appointment with one of our Licensed Professional Counselors at RBHEALTH in Cleveland, OH - "Where Amazing Things Happen!" Visit our website to learn more about Renaissance Behavioral Health LLC in Cleveland, Ohio. Renaissance Behavioral Health LLC is conveniently located at 3740 Euclid Ave., Suite 101 Cleveland, OH 44115. Call us to schedule your outpatient therapy appointment with our qualified and compassionate counselors and therapists in Cleveland, OH

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