Additional Information

  • 2016
  • Home & Garden Supplies, Landscapers
  • Mulch, Decorative Gravel, Patio Pavers, Natural Flagstone, Edging and Stepper Stone, Fire Pits, Fire Places, Top Soil, Brown Colored Mulch, Black Colored Mulch, Red Mulch, Cedar Mulch, Double-Ground Hardwood, Missouri River Rock, Ozark Rock, Black Trap, Missouri Pea Gravel, Colorado Cobble, Kansas Rock, Arkansas White Rock
  • Landscape Stone and Supply, Delivery
  • Soil, Mulch and Decorative Gravel
  • American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Stockman Stone Works, Mesa Retaining Wall Systems, VyKing Wall Systems, Maytrx premier stone system


  • Regular Hours
    07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

About Us

  • Riverbend Rock & Mulch was started in 2016 when the owners purchased property in the small town of River Bend, Missouri. As a deck builder, the company’s founder spent a lot of time designing and building beautiful and functional outdoor spaces. The most successful spaces though weren’t created by his team alone, instead it was one of his team’s beautiful deck designs paired with intriguing landscaping elements that brought the entire thing together. The problem, of course, is how much it costs to install many of these landscaping options, especially the stone pavers and steppers. Another problem is being able to transport enough of them at the same time to build anything significant (like, say, a patio). Our solution was to find the local dealer who kept prices low, put our stock yard in a central location making it easy to get to and then offer delivery to our customers. Anyone can now get the patio or outdoor space that they want delivered directly to their home in under a day. Having come from the outdoor home improvement world as well, we’ve seen the difficulties that homeowners have every year getting and installing their annual spring updates. It’s why we offer quick, low-cost delivery with drivers who call before they come, a convenient location, displays and samples that make it easier for you to shop and a wide selection of the items you need for both your annual update or your big project! Riverbend Rock & Mulch was started with the idea of making outdoor home improvement easy, and that’s just what we’ve done with our new location in River Bend!

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